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Big Picture Science – Sunday 8 AM

The Best Things in Life are Tree(s)
We make the case

While humans were leaving the Stone Age and entering the Bronze, some Bristlecone pine trees grew from seeds to sprouts. They’ve been growing ever since. These 5,000-year-old pines are among the oldest organisms on Earth. Superlatives are also appropriate for the towering redwoods.

Trees are amazing in many ways. They provide us with timber and cool us with shade, they sequester carbon and release oxygen, and are home to countless species. But they are also marvels of evolutionary adaptation. We consider the beauty and diversity of trees, and learn why their future is intertwined with ours.


Kevin Dixon – Naturalist at The East Bay Regional Park District, Oakland, California

Daniel Lewis – Environmental historian and senior curator for the History of Science and Technology at the Huntington Library, art museum and botanical gardens in Pasadena, California, professor of the natural sciences and the environment at Caltech, and author of “Twelve Trees: The Deep Roots of our Future

Descripción en español

Featuring music by Dewey Dellay and Jun Miyake

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Your Big Picture Science Hosts:

molly-seth-1440x600-1-1024x427 Big Picture Science - Sunday 8 AM

Seth Shostak Host and Producer, Big Picture Science – Senior Astronomer, SETI Institute

Molly Bentley Executive Producer and Co-Host, Big Picture Science 

About Big Picture Science:

Big Picture Science is a weekly, one-hour radio show and podcast produced at the SETI Institute. Hosted by Seth Shostak, SETI Institute Fellow and Senior Astronomer, and science journalist Molly Bentley, Big Picture Science reports on modern science and technology with smart and humorous storytelling.

Themed episodes feature interviews with top scientists and technology innovators. All episodes try to answer the question, “so what?” Why does this research matter?

Big Picture Science topics range from the microbiome to virtual reality, from the physics of motion to the intelligence of animals. Every month one episode is devoted to critical thinking in “Skeptic Check”, which separates fact from fiction in topics such as Bigfoot and UFOs.

And of course we cover science related to the work of the SETI Institute.

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